Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

Roast Beef.... FAIL! lol

Roast beef!!!! So, I made a sick roast beef. BUT, unbeknowst to me, whoever gave me this shitty house warming present (it was a set of oven roasting pans0 obviously bought it at the $1 store cause the roasting pan decided to go all PLO suicide bomber on me and explode. There is my giant roast beef sitting on one piece of roasting pan. SWEET.

Either way, it was the bomb. Ate it for 2 days. One day with gravy, lunch with cheez whiz, dinner with horseradish, it was awesome. I also made a yorkshire pudding! Here is a photo when it puffed up. After 5 minutes, it calmed down and was real tasty.

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