Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


For the first time in my life, I can say I know how George Bush feels.... Confused. But my confusion is a good confusion. Its not like trying to figure out whether I fucked up Iraq or America worse. I'm just trying to decide on a restaurant concept... and I need your help!!!! So please leave feedback in the comments, have your friends comment, etc!!!

Note: My partner and I looked at Bedstuy locations, but its probably going to be the city... sorry BK. I tried!

Concept 1: Baohaus all rights reserved, Edwyn C. Huang 2009

The idea with this restaurant is a small stand-up joint, probably two tables max. Mainly come in, eat at the counter or take to go/delivery. The menu would consist of Biscuits, Burgers, and Baos.

My partner Giovanna came up with the menu categories and I came up with the name thinking, Waffle House (southern i.e. biscuits), Bao (chinese bun sandwiches), Burgers (from germany, thus bauhaus)... you like? It kinda merges all three. The point isn't really to explicate all three categories, more just, do ya like the name?

Fried Chicken Biscuit Sandwich
Sausage Biscuit Sandwich
Burger with special sauce on martin's potato bun
Chinese Bao (pork and my special beef recipe which is what I made the "show" for!)

All items would be antibiotic free cause... Confucius says no to antibiotics. Probably $6 burger/biscuit sandwich (big biscuit), $6 for 2 baos... But don't quote me on prices! Just to give you guys an idea

Concept 2: The Spork all rights reserved Edwyn C. Huang, 2009

Everyone knows, I'm in the hood like Chinese wings (credit: Jadakiss). But, you never see good wing spots in the city serving wings with fried rice. And if they do, its shitty fried rice as my boy baer says "has a couple frozen peas, carrots, and a piece of egg floating around with MSG".

The Chinaman don't play dat shit! My fried rice is the jump-off, so, my partner and I were thinking real deal fried rice and wings.

WINGS: Original Taiwanese Street Food Flavor, Spicy Korean, Secret Recipe One (its sweet, family recipe), Japanese inspired Burnt Garlic flavor

Fried Rices: White Pepper and shrimp fried rice (white kind, no soy!), Taiwanese Red Sausage Fried Rice, Omelet Rice, Thai Pineapple fried rice, Veggie Fried Rice

You get a whole thing of fried rice with 5 wings on top for $8. Again, don't quote the price, but that's what we're shooting for.

Lastly, I'm campaigning to include a fried pork chop on the menu, but my partner be hatin on the swine!!! What up with that girl??? LOL. She said no pork on my spork!!!

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT and tell us first, which one you like better. Do you still like the other one or do you like none? AND, WHY? Why do you like one better than other, why don't you like the other, or why do you like/dislike either. Thanks!!!!

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

Mustard BBQ and Sweet Smoky Red BBQ

Two of the usual suspects are back.... Oxtail and Short Ribs. BUT, who thought to BBQ these cuts??? I never see these cuts bbq'd hopefully I can start a trend here. So, for the record, I do not have a smoker in my house right now so technically, this is not bbq. BUT, I am getting awesome results by doing my dry rub and then roasting in a dutch oven. Obviously I don't get the smoke flavor that makes bbq great, but its good tasting roast meat with bbq sauce.

You can always use liquid smoke, but I hate it. I made two sauces. One mustard based, one spicy tomato based w/ scotch bonnet peppers.

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Salt Baked Chicken

This is one of my favorite recipes. My mom taught me how to make salt baked chicken, but I tweaked the recipe. Its very simple so try it at home.

1) Take a large chicken and rinse with cold water (important)
2) Let the water drain and pat dry with paper towels, dry the cavity too.
3) Take a lot of sea salt and pat it all around the chicken and in the cavity. Kosher salt is good too.
4) Then, take white pepper and pat around the chicken.
5) Stuff the chicken cavity with green onions, star anise, szechuan peppercorns, and garlic. Feel free to put it in a cheese cloth and tie up. Some people like to wet the peppercorns/anise so more moisture evaporates and gives flavor, but not necessary. You just want the herbs for the "nose". This is an important strategy in cooking.

A lot of cooks think that you need every flavor to jump out. I disagree. I think a hint or nose or just a dash of something adds a depth/complexity without altering the original flavor. I'm very big on this. I like the traditional flavor of things. My mom used to never stuff the cavity, I did it just to give the chicken a different aroma and slight flavor tweak. If you over do it, its not salt baked chicken anymore. Its like some funky asian thanksgiving chicken. The beauty of this dish is the simplicity of the white pepper and salt making a crisp chicken skin.

6) Preheat oven to 375, put chicken in and cook for about an hour. I never time or check temp cause I'm lazy. You don't want plump chicken. Let it get a tad dry, the salt will dry out the skin and the meat will get juicy wet and falling off the bone.

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009


I live in BK and I wouldn't move, but what about a restaurant on the edge of Bedstuy and Clinton Hill? Specifically Bedford Ave and Lexington Ave? Not to give everything away, but it'd be a down home southern food type restaurant. Ideas?

The above photo is an image of the previous restaurant, which was a pizza/coffee shop. The neighborhood isn't exactly the ideal spot for artisan pizza/coffee, but maybe a good neighborhood southern food restaurant.


Yeaaaaa its that time of year for S'mores already. The weather sucks here in NY. Couldn't go out Friday or Saturday so my fat ass sat home with stovetop s'mores.

Short Rib Soup!

So, one of our readers, Mrs. RCA asked for Short Rib and here it is. I actually made some okra and short rib curry last week but forgot to take photos! And, here's our first recipe. This is my version of Kalbi Tang. Usually, restaurants and some home cooks will use MSG or Powdered Beef Stock (Sogogi Dashida). It does add flavor and a slightly enhanced soup, but MSG gives me headaches, makes me dehydrated, and food coma'd. Some people aren't affected by MSG so its up to you.

Here's my recipe, I'm sure you can find others online, but I like it this way. (FYI, I don't measure, so just estimate to taste)

1) Take your meat (i had about 3.5 lbs short ribs bone in. make sure bone in! more flavor) and put in a big bowl of cold water and a dash of vinegar to drain blood. Usually 30 minutes is enough. Change water halfway through.

2) Take the beef, dry off, and marinate in a mixture of Korean soup soy sauce (Gook Ganjang) and corn starch (just a lil to make the soy stick). Let sit 30 minutes.
(NOTE: a lot of other recipes use green onion, sesame oil, garlic, don't bother. the soup will have plenty of flavor. I even skip this step entirely sometimes because I just like the straight forward flavor of beef. SO, this step is optional)

3) Take oil (not olive, canola/corn/veggie, all ok), heat in a stock pot and add the beef. Sautee the beef 5 minutes till brown.

This is important. Most Korean restaurants will not sautee the beef. They boil it in water. Korean style soups are very clean, clear, and straight forward flavors. I love it. If you like it that way, skip step three and boil the short ribs in water for 5 minutes until foam and oil rises to the top. Then toss out the first (i.e. the water), and reboil a pot of water and put the short ribs in. I sautee and brown because I like the extra flavor from the oil of the beef. All preference!

4) Once the beef is browned, add 3 large green onions (scallions, if you must use big words) chopped into 3rds. If you are lazy, you can also chop up a half head of garlic and put it in now, but I usually do it separately as step 5.

5) In a separate sautee pan, heat up oil and sautee half a head of garlic till almost brown, but don't burn.

6) The green onions should be a nice bright green by now from sauteeing with the beef. You will smell a nice aroma already. Add about 2.5 quarts of water (i don't measure, i just put in like 4 to 5 bowls of water). Use your best judgment and just eye it. The key is a good proportion of meat to water.

7) Take your garlic oil and pour into the soup stock. I like this because the oil from sauteeing garlic gives great flavor. Feel free to put some water into the sautee pan and pour into stock pot just to get all the good flavor.

8) Bring to a boil and cover. After 15 minutes, skim the top and get the foam out.

9) Add Asian Radish (Daikon) chopped into nice chunks

10) Check back every 30 minutes and if the water gets too low, add water. It should cook a good hour and a half. Check the tenderness of the short ribs. When they are fork tender, the soup is done.

9) Once the short ribs are done, add salt and white pepper, cover and simmer another 10 minutes. Then, check flavor. Do you have too much water? Too little? play with the proportions but don't over salt or pepper.

10) I always have one bowl the first day I make it, but it really tastes better the next day. That's why you don't want to over salt/pepper. The next day, the flavors come together and become more concentrated. Plus, if you are health conscious, you can skim the fat off the soup in the morning and then you have a VERY healthy beef soup to start your day or if you have a cold. I usually keep a pot of this in the fridge during the winter.

11) When you want to eat it, take some vermicelli mung bean noodles (very easy to find at asian grocer, they come in little bags wrapped in a big flourescent pink netting). They are transparent noodles! Not rice noodles! This is key, they have a much different texture. All you have to do is bring the soup to a boil, drop in the noodles and they cook almost instantly.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

Pimpin' AND Cookin' Aint Easy!

We all knew Pimpin wasn't easy, but cooking? Come on! So many people do it and make money, this shit gotta be cake right? NOOOOOOOOO

This is what has happened the last two weeks.

1) A restaurateur in New York decided to offer me a location and the money to start the restaurant. Deal went well, got to the term sheet, we even retained an attorney to do the operating agreement, and all of a sudden "investor" calls me to pull a super duper grease ball move and pulls the offer off the table cause he says "someone decided to front the money so I don't have to". The deal from the start was that he wanted to be the money guy so it was a 180. Look, this is business though. You get a better deal go for it, but ...

Before you make offers, be sure you want to do the deal. Its pretty JV to offer, ask someone for their advice, opinions, work, and even have them write the menu, do the legal work, create the logo, and then pull out. Its about equal to taking some girl to Pearl's for the lobster, chickalicious for the dessert, going back to your place, telling you to put on the flavored condom SHE brought, licking the tip, and then leaving with the left overs from earlier in the evening and you're sitting there with a stupid strawberry condom on your dick. That's not what's poppin.

BUT, not to worry, I'm actually partnering with my cousin cause I've known him for 27 years and the only time he turned his back on me was when i called him fat and he threw me into the piano, which I considered a pretty fair deal. Good guy.

2) Department of Health Standards - I went to the Brooklyn Flea - this place is great. I went there to check out the market and see what was there. Spoke to the people who are great, but just so readers know, to do fairs like this, you need to cook in licensed/commercial prep-kitchens to comply with the Department of Health. AND, the Flea is basically a curated fair so you can't just pay and walk in. Props to a place like that which isn't out to make a quick buck but actually wants good vendors!

3) Food Handler's Certificate - if you want to cater, sell food commercially, etc. you need a food handler's certificate. There are courses online and you take a test. Not hard. I'm doing it now.

4) Loans! - Loans are tough in this economic environment, but from what I've gathered Chase is the preferred lender for small business loans which the govt partially backs. Readers, correct me if I'm wrong. Some banks like Bank of America aren't even lending to first time businesses. Also, this may be elementary to most people, but just to throw it out there, 100% financing is non-existent. You need 20% down at least, pay stubs to show income, and credit in the 700s.

5) Anything else? OH YEAH, you better be able to fucking cook. So, from one rookie to another, being able to chef up a killer szechuan dog is just half the battle. Even if you are a prodigy in the kitchen, you can end up in the middle of your living room with a strawberry condom on your dick and no left overs.

Homemade Doughnuts!

So, decided to make some homemade doughnuts! Turned my "beirut table" into a pastry table and started making doughnuts.

Was pretty fun. The first batch was a little dense and the gluten was long so the second batch more shortening, more baking powder, let it rise a little more and it was really on point. The key is also to have really hot oil.

About 375 so that the doughnuts cook well. If the oil is not hot enough, they cook slow, dough gets tight, and it rises too much in the cooking.

Overall, after 3 tries, DOPE doughnuts. Will be making more variations soon!

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

Roast Beef.... FAIL! lol

Roast beef!!!! So, I made a sick roast beef. BUT, unbeknowst to me, whoever gave me this shitty house warming present (it was a set of oven roasting pans0 obviously bought it at the $1 store cause the roasting pan decided to go all PLO suicide bomber on me and explode. There is my giant roast beef sitting on one piece of roasting pan. SWEET.

Either way, it was the bomb. Ate it for 2 days. One day with gravy, lunch with cheez whiz, dinner with horseradish, it was awesome. I also made a yorkshire pudding! Here is a photo when it puffed up. After 5 minutes, it calmed down and was real tasty.

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Za Jian Mien redux with Tomato Egg!

I love left over Za Jian Mien. The noodles and paste are even better cold. So, for lunch, I paired the cold noodles with tomato and eggs! This is a combo my boy Greg's mom in Beijing taught me when I visited a few years ago.

Za Jian mien

Za Jian Mien for dinner today!!!! Took me 9 hours to upload cause i vaporized, ate three bowls of this and then passed out until now. I fell asleep in the 6th inning of the sawks game and missed it! Well, I wouldn't say I "missed" anything, damn 4-hit shutout....

Anyway, Za Jian Mien is from Beijing and its undergone a few permutations. In Beijing, its really salty and its 100% soybean paste with ground pork w/ cucumbers on noodles. In Taiwan, we throw a little sweet bean paste in. Korea does it too and I've seen it with peas, big pieces of cured tofu (tofu gan), but its wack. I have no idea what they are doing with it, but its not good. Japanese ramen places do it too and sometimes its good but I also never cared to figure out what they do to it so I can't say.

As for mine, I take small minced pieces of cured tofu, ground pork, 50/50 soy bean and sweet bean paste, cucumbers, noodles, serve noodles cold, pork mixture room temperature, game over!!!! Be prepared to food coma for 8 hours cause no one eats one bowl.

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup!!!

This is Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup. This is my mom's recipe, but I made one "secret" tweak lol. In the soup is: Garlic, green onion, chili peppers, ginger, beef chuck, dark soy, light soy, and some secret ingredients!

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Cheeto Redux

So, I didn't get good photos from the first time I did Cheeto Fried Chicken my camera was messed up and Ning didn't eat it. Last night, I made it again, but this time with Cheesy Poofs!!!!! It was even better. Not as crunchy but better flavor. Smaller crumbs so it melds well. Make sure to fry on higher heat though. The cheesy poofs can get wet if the heat is too low.

I also put some in a salad, but it was much better alone. The blue cheese drowned out the flavor.

Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

We need more Ethnic Food Writers!!!

I love the Village Voice. But I might have read the worst restaurant review of all time by Robert Sietsema titled "Fly Heads at the Island of Taiwan Restaurant".

The author dances around for paragraphs using flowery language describing things he has no idea about. We're talking about food, I want a review of a Bay Ridge, Brooklyn Taiwanese restaurant, is there really a need to use words like "festooned" or allude to "ancient Spartans"? Stop masturbating on paper and just tell me if they have Taiwanese Dan Dan Mien or Intestine noodle soup (o-a-mi-sua)! He tries to gain credibility by saying he went with two Taiwanese friends, but if they're the ones you're leaning on for input, why don't you just let them write the damn article? Why is it that we continue to read articles about Ethnic food written by rookies? Would you read a review of Monday Night Football from a Kiwi (New Zealand) watching it for the first time?

I'm Taiwanese, ethnically Chinese, grew up in a Taiwanese-American home. I've been eating this all my life. When I read reviews like the one above, it bothers me because our culture and food is misrepresented. So without wasting anymore time talking about Robert Sietsema's johnny come lately to Taiwanese food article, I'll just dispel some fallacies and point you in the right direction.

1) He compares Taiwanese Tianbula to Japanese Tempura - Bozo, just cause the menu says tempura does not mean it has anything to do with Japanese Tempura or is in the least bit inspired by it. Its a homonym because most people can't read pin yin. Taiwanese Tianbula is made by frying fish maw paste seasoned with various ingredients depending on your preferred style. If you don't know about it, just say you don't know. Don't misinform your readers by making false comparisons. This is how all the misinformation about ethnic food gets spread and I have to shoot hipsters at restaurants when they start telling everyone what they know about Taiwanese food because they read your dumbass article. I no longer blame hipsters, I blame Robert Sietsema. Shoot Robert Sietsema shirts coming soon.

2) ô-á-chian - that thing you called "oyster omelet" is o-a-chian. Its NOT from fucking California as Sietsema says. From wiki: Oyster omelette is a Chinese dish of Teochew/Fujian origin. It is also popular in places with Chaozhou and Fujianese influences such as in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Taiwan (where it is often sold in night markets).

3) 3 Cups Chicken Basil - I knew when I read this article that there was no way they were using Thai Basil. Taiwan has its own basil and any Taiwanese cook worth talking to knows you need Taiwanese Basil. I learned this from my mom and even spoke to Taiwanese restaurant owners in Beijing who SMUGGLED Taiwanese basil in with them when they moved to Beijing because they knew they couldn't have 3 cups chicken without it: From google: "Taiwanese cuisine relies on an abundant array of seasonings for flavour: soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil, fermented black beans, pickled daikon, pickled mustard greens, peanuts, chili peppers, cilantro (sometimes called Chinese parsley), and a local variety of basil (九層塔, literally "nine storey pagoda").


4) Beef Noodle Soup - the beef noodle soup your people "ooh and ahhed" over doesn't even look like Taiwanese beef noodle soup. The color is off. We use tomato in our beef noodle soup and it is more red in color. Or, if you don't use tomato, its for sure darker. The one you had looked like they put sauteed beef into a stock broth which is what lazy restaurants do. IF you cook the beef for the proper amount of time with enough superior dark soy and use rock candy, it WILL NOT come out light brown. It may be great, but its not Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup. Go to the restaurant in Flushing 3 doors down from Lu's 66 Seafood on Prince St. in Flushing. P.S. best block in the city for Chinese/Taiwanese food. Between Lu's, Nanxiang Xiao Long Bao, and the Beef Noodle Soup joint, you pretty much have everything you need.

5) Fly Heads - We've been calling ground pork "ants" or "fly heads" for years. The fact that your stupid Taiwanese companion played to you and the crowd by calling it out like a mistake or misnomer is retarded. If this person ever hung out with Asians, it wouldn't be funny at all, its just how we do.

This is not something minor. For people who like food or want to learn about other ethnicities, cultures, foods, this is bullshit because he's misleading people and making them look like idiots. When you try to present yourself as a false expert, not only do you set false standards and proliferate false information, but you're insulting the culture.

I'll give you an example. Obviously, I'm not Jamaican. But I love Jamaican food. I'm sure half the articles I read about Jamaican food give me false information just like this fool gave you about Taiwanese food. It needs to stop. If you don't know what your doing, don't write about it or just admit you don't know but say, "that shit was good, try the stinky tofu". Don't go hiding behind big words and stupid allusions to avoid people pulling your card. It is TOTALLY fine for people who don't know about ethnic food to write about it. Anyone can try something new, be excited, and share it with us. That's great! But don't pretend you're an expert, just point us toward the restaurant, give us some photos, and talk about it from YOUR perspective without giving bad info. If you don't know what's in the dish or where it came from, just say it! And dude, if you are going to say something Chinese, Taiwanese, or Korean is "Japanese Inspired" like the "tempura" thing, you better quadruple check....

Wong Wong Says......

Hello! This is Wongwong, the resident food critic at Pop Kitschen! I love food just about as much as I love money (see above photo) and have tasted and reviewed the dishes from this week... Below is the verdict!

Chinese Jamaican Ropa Vieja

Delicious and Robust, this take on Ropa Vieja was great paired with white rice! The soaked raisins gave this dish a special sparkle, and I was definitely got seconds!
8 of 10

Oxtail Pho

The oxtail pho was very much to my taste. It didn't taste like a typical Pho soup, but the noodles were light, broth flavorful, and oxtails were very tender! Also didn't have the MSG hangover afterwards
7 of 10 stars

Jamaican Pepperpot w/ Beef Neck Bone

I was excited to try this dish b/c it smelled good, but it had a slightly bitter aftertaste that I didn't like. I am also not a fan of coconut so it was kind of a turn off for me.
3 of 10 stars

Mango Ting Cobbler
I'm a HUGE fan of desserts and MANGOES, so I was pumped to eat this, and it did not dissapoint! It was not overly sweet and was fragrant and tasty! The only negative was the crust was a bit dry/sandy b/c it was not saturated in butter, but I'd much prefer that over an enlarged gut LOL
7.5 of 10 stars

Big Bang Beef Ribs
Super flavorful with sweet and salty notes, these ribs were amazing and my fav dish of the week! The meat fell right off the bone and it had a very full flavor!
8.5 of 10 stars

Cheeto Fried Chicken
Hmmm... The *cough* FAT CHEF didn't share ANY OF THIS with me and ate it all himself. NOT COOL!
0 of 10 stars

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

Big Bang Beef Ribs

Made a ginger beer based bbq sauce. JUMP OFF, JUMP OFF, THE RIBS IS THE JUMP OFF. Look how tender it was. "Had it out in Bedstuy, chillin on the steps, drinkin' quarter waters, I gotta be the best. MJ at Summerjam, Obama on the text, yall should be afraid bout what I'm gonna do next..." - HOVA

P.S. these ribs will def be on the Pop Kitschen menu

Mango Ting Cobbler

With all this bone meat cookin' in the crib, I figured I'd drop some dessert too. I took Ting (Jamaican Soda that tastes like Lime) and Mango, stewed them with some spices, and made a cobbler! It was the shit. In retrospect, I'm gonna use a sweeter, less sour accent since mangoes have a natural sourness and sweetness. I loved it cause I like things balanced (i.e. sweet and sour, sweet and spicy, etc.), but Gizmo said she wanted it sweeter. I'll throw in some condensed milk or cream soda next time instead of Ting.

Gizmo and the cobbler

The 7 Degrees of Bone Meat

So, already, people are running from the bone meat dishes (pepperpot, oxtail pho, etc). This is to be expected in America. Ever since I was a kid, people packed their own dinners when comin over to the crib cause they knew, "If you eat at the Huangs', there is gonna be bones in your soup, bones on your chicken, and you damn right there's feet in your stew."

Warren was hands down the most adventurous white boy of all-time (hereinafter referred to as "MAWBAT". And he was rewarded for it. Warren, tell the people how you feel in the comments. Justin got down too, but he stopped at feet, fair enough. Feet are for freaks like me and Too Short.

Look, I can understand the fear. Bone meat looks weird at first and the flavor is deep. Heads aint ready for the essence! It is the most flavorful, you get your soups, your stews, your best braised dishes, etc. all from bone meat. Even if you don't think bone meat is involved, you're tasting it. Bone meat makes the world go round.

Instead of appeasing people's irrational fears of bone meat, "chefs" should stand their ground and serve the damn bones because everyone knows that's where the flavor is at. If you take an oxtail, eat the meat clean, you'll see two little holes on each side. Suck on em like a Hooker @ the Point and enjoy.

Here is a step-by-step guide to bone meats and where you should start:

1) Go for Osso Bucco - its a veal shank. I recommend Osso Bucco because it is an Italian dish and for most Americans, its a gateway bone meat. The real crack is a few steps down, but this is your dutch.

2) Try the Veal Bones - If you want to try bone meat at home and don't want to spend money on Osso Bucco, try veal tails. They are like ox tails but from veal so its younger, fattier meat. Veal has less "flavor/essence" than mature beef in my opinion and should be less "offensive" to bone meat rookies.

3) Bone-in Short Ribs - In my opinion, no one does short ribs like Korean stew. I love it. Spicy Kalbi Tang is great and easy to make. I'll try to whip some up next week. If I don't remind me! But, if you don't have a good Korean place by you, its very easy to braise short rib with some onions, garlic, carrots, brown sugar, etc. make a nice sweet gravy, serve over rice. Err.... potatoes? I dunno. I eat everything on rice cause Mao told me to.

4) Ox Tails - This is my favorite cut of meat on the planet. My mom makes an Ox Tail Vegetable Stew that is the shit. Again, remind me, and I'll make it. Its got celery, carrots, onions, rice wine, ox tails. I cook a lil rice and put it in the soup. Its what we eat instead of Chicken Noodle Soup. You'll be hooked.

5) Pork Neck - So, you've graduated from the tails and realized, it wasn't that funky! Just good straight forward marrow flavor. Now, go back to your Korean spot and get some Gam Ja Tang. I really love the bone meat stews Korean restaurants do. Everyone thinks, "Oh, Korean, I should get BBQ, no son, the stew is where its at."

6) Lamb Neck - Yea, now you're really in deep. Go straight to Court St. in Brooklyn. Yemen cafe, get the Yaneez and ask specifically for the Neck pieces. You won't be disappointed. Side Note: ARAB ED, you owe me $800 you bum mofugger, PAY ME!!!!! (Arab Ed's uncle owns Yaneez, tell him his nephew is a nappy headed deadbeat)

7) Beef Necks - I don't know any places that serve beef neck. This is Strictly for Live Men. It is the shit. But you gotta do it yourself at home. I barbecue neck bones, I stew beef necks. Any dish that uses bone meat like pho, whatever, sub in beef neck and let it rock.

There it is 7 degrees of Bone Meat....Suck it.

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Jamaican Pepperpot w/ Beef Neck Bone

MO Jamaican food for dat ass. This is pepperpot. I dont have a photo of the after. This was taken halfway through before I added chayote, yam, and coconut milk. But, if my camera charges before I finish this, I'll take a photo. Yes, I have been using the same damn giant wok for all these photos.

One of you kitchen equipment companies send me some shit so I don't have to use the same pot. If i had more pots, I'd do more posts!!!! Anyway, I'm not very experienced with pepperpot. This is the first time I made it. But, I'll let you know how it is. I tweaked the normal recipe by using cider vinegar. Pepperpot has ham hock, kale, collared greens, and bone meat. I used neck bone. Neck bone is dope. Especially Lamb or Pork neck.

Korean Gamjatang with pork neck is one of my all-time fave dishes. Anyway, when there's ham hock and collareds involved, I can't help not hitting it with cider vinegar. So I done did it yall.

Oxtail Pho

I love Pho. Especially at Pho Banc on Mott. I'm no hipster come lately to Vietnamese food. When you Asian in Orlando, your options are Vietnamese or Vietnamese. I remember the first time I tried Banh Mi, I asked a old dude at the counter what it was like and if it was good, in the thickest water buffalo-steez accent, homie says, "BETTA DAN SUBWAY!"

My OG favorites: Vietnamese Pork Chop with Crab Pate, grilled beef with chopped spring rolls on bun, Banh Mi, and of course Pho. My favorite cut of meat is oxtail so I tried it this time with oxtail and more noodles since Ning likes noodles. I have to say, it wasn't as good as I would have liked. When you use Oxtail instead of flank steak and shins/bone-in shank, you get more bone flavor, more fat, but less of the meat essence that balances Pho.

Ning and other heads loved it, but I think the spices were too pronounced without being muted by the meat flavor like usual. It was good, but more pungent and herbal than I usually like. I really like tasting the marrow, meat, essence when I drink stew. For instance, not a big fan of tom yum. I feel the spices carry the soup instead of chicken stock or shrimp. Its all preference. Either way, I'll still use oxtail, but just also have flank steak next time. Try it though! Maybe you'll like this version better.

The Black Olive: Duckhorn Dinner

My family owns The Black Olive in Orlando. Definitely not whoremet enough for Magic Dong Huang, but everyone loves it out in Orlando and they're doin their thing. Get that money pops! This was a dinner they did for Duckhorn. Looked dope.

Duckhorn had some cool branding with this stopper

Fancy Drank

Looks like scallops... as Bun-B said, "I eat so much scrimp I get eye-o-dine poisonin'" Yessa, yessa, i believe scallops got iodine too.

Duck with some shrubbery. Jamie Fox Huang says, "Yo Pops, stop tryin to fool a ninja wit shrubbery!" But naw, the duck looks bangin.

In case anyone questions whether this was the jumpoff, I direct you to exhibit A above, White People were in da house! It was official. This wasn't no lunar new year dinner with Pearl River Plum Wine!!!! Although, Magic Dong Huang probably would have served something from Bedstuy Vineyards, this event gets 4 out of a possible 5 MSG Packets. Nice work pops.

Brooklyn Wine w/ Bootleg Tyler Florence

Oh yes, Pop Kitschen will be serving T-Bone Steak, Cheese, Eggs, and Brooklyn Wine w/ Welsch's Grape

The Story of OG Iron Chef

Before becoming The People's Chink aka Magic Dong Huang aka Mr. I Shoot Hipsters.... There was The Legend of OG Iron Chef

Now, this is the story all about how
My life got flip turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you all about the Legend of Iron Chef Right Chere..

In west Winter Park bored and blazed
On internet porn is where I spent most of my days
Just Chillin' out maxin, throwin milkshakes all cool
And shootin some b-ball outside of school
When a couple of hos
Who were up to no good
Got pregnant and married my boys in the hood
We planned one little bachelor party and baby moms got scared
She said "You're never callin steve, kyle, joey sapp, or jameer"

I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she took my boost mobile and sent me right on my way
Wedding coming up, bachelor party still on
I picked up the iron and said, where da xanex at prawn?

Hotel in Miami, yo this is bad!
Drinking thug passion out of a champagne glass.
Is this what cops like Rick Ross live like?
Hmmm, this could still be aite!

But wait I hear there're snitches, POs and all that
Is Miami the type of place they send this Iron Chef?
I don't KNOW!!!!!!
Let's go to Miami Gold and figure it all out there

Well, after the stripper farted, _ _ _ _ spanked the ho
There was a dude who looked like Kimbo Slice standing there
I aint trying to get arrested
I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
I said on to 7-11 before the bride gets here!
Picked up some frozen burritos and dipped out the rear
Headed back to the hotel to microwave these here

I pulled up to the hotel about 7 or 8
And I yelled to D-West, "You better have my doughnuts later!"
I looked at my room
There was no microwave there
Busted out the iron and cooked right there!!!!

NO LIE, at this bachelor party, we got mad twisted. 5 am, at 7-11, bought mad frozen mexican food, but no microwave in the hotel room. I say to my peoples, get me an ironing board, a glass of water, and a iron, I'ma chef this right chere. That is the Legend of OG Iron Chef. Some people cook with truffles and other expensive shit, I hold it down with the iron, BONG BONG

Don't Forget, Autumn Festival October 3rd!

So, its mooncake time. There are tons of blogs explaining what Autumn Festival is, but I'll give you the ABC (american-born-chinese) cliff notes. Your parents play mah jong, your grandparents ask if you are an accountant yet, and you eat MOONCAKES!!!!! Kind of like Yom Kippur but with mooncakes instead of noodle pudding.

On a side note.... I was looking for good mooncake photos and typed in a search "mooncakes FOB". As in Fresh Off the Boat. Cause FOBs got the good shit. But out of nowhere, all these photos of some band called Fallout Boy come up! Who the hell are these bozos? They aren't even on Hot 97!!!! Who listens to this crap? Can Kanye interrupt my google search to trash these dudes? That would be awesome. Pass the henrock yeezy.

Reader Questions

I love reader questions. Almost as much as I love getting really blazed using my volcano vaporizer and eating gummies.... but not quite. OD'ing on gummies is still my favorite thing to do in life. Its just not so fun when your teeth are rotting and your breath is stanking cause you fell asleep eating a pound of gummies watching Martin Yan's China. Martin Yan's China is the best way to brush up on your Chingrish. Phrases like, "This is the fashion" or "Rook how beaurifo my kung pao panda rook on dees rotus reef." are great for get togethers during the moon festival!

Anyway, reader questions...

"Where is the restaurant going to be?" Either NYC or Boston. Looking in both places right now, specifically East Village south of 13th, north of Houston in NYC and Brighton/Brookline in Boston.

"Is this a Chinese Restaurant?" Well, I am a Chinaman, there will be a few chinaman items, but no, it is not a "Chinese Restaurant". But like they say, "You can take a chinaman out the paddies, but he will still put MSG in all your food."

"How big is your penis?" Somewhere between not so shitty and not so big....but shawties love my food so it dont matter. they are so far in a MSG coma that they wake up and ask, "what happened?" and I say, I just brought the sichuan earthquakes to your vagina. BONG FUCKING BONG.