Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Family Photos!

We decided to keep it homey and designed the interior with family photos printed on acrylic. Hope you like it! Starting from left, these are the photos going clockwise:

1) Me n Emery in a church reading x-men and punisher comics
2) Dad's family playing mah-jong
3) Dad, Cousin, and Parents on side of road in Taiwan
4) Me and Dad on the basketball court
5) Dad's family outside their house
6) Me, Emery, and Evan pimpin on bicycles in Ho-lando
7) Mom and Kwan Hwa A-Yi on a old Corolla
8) Me with my stunna shades on in magruder's
9) Grandpa walking mom up the steps for her wedding!
10) Me, Emery, Evan chillin in Emery's room eating cheese haha
11) Mom's Kindergarten in Taiwan

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