Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Corporate Food Trucks

The SF Weekly had a great article last week. Somehow, I missed it but I just read it. I hope that people can see my beef with Mobi Munch is bigger than Baohaus or Chairman Bao or the Chairman Bao Truck. This blog isn't meant to promote baohaus, it was started as a resource to talk about starting a restaurant and now running one. So, with that in mind, I'm not going to bore you guys with what we plan to do concerning the violation of our chairman bao mark.

I do want to talk about the larger issue though concerning Corporate Street Food. I felt SF Weekly laid out both sides VERY well. These guys are applebees, PF Chang's, etc. "vets". Need I say more? They see a market to expose and they have a business model to efficiently pair people with trucks for their particular market. They are completely deteriorating the independent, creative, and spontaneous aspects of food trucks. The whole scheme is very pre-meditated and formulaic. Perhaps you just don't care and want pork buns in your neighborhood, but I still feel there needs to be some integrity and a personal touch.

As much as I hate "foodies", there has really been a "revolution" of sorts concerning food in America. From gastropubs (thanks spotted pig) to pork buns to stinky tofu, the last ten years have been great for American culinary history. Never in my life did I think I could sit back, hit my roor, and watch Andrew Zimmern eat Taiwanese food at Shilin. It's great. BUT, supporting these corporate food trucks and franchising the last 10 years of culinary creativity, plateaus our growth. This is what I mean.... There's PLENTY more work to do. New York could use some more food from Singapore or Peru or even tackling the challenge of evolving New York cuisine. What is it? I dunno, but it interests me. We're not done and we can still do better! Now is not the time to spend our dollars on watered down concepts. By supporting these things, our dollars are tied up in vanilla market offerings that don't progress food culture in America.

I mean, even in our family, we plan to do one more by the end of 2010. We got ideas! A whole new concept. Who knows, maybe after that, I'll work on expanding and taking the concepts to new locales, but if I did, I would tweak the menu to fit local flavors, tastes, and culinary history. Each spot would have something new. I don't think expansion is a bad thing, but you have to always push yourself to be genuine and original. At least that's how I feel. Its great to share your work with more people, I love that part of my job. But, I try to give people different looks. For instance, at hester st. fair, we served Kim Jong's ILL Noodles. The first day, we used Mama O's Kimchi made from cabbage. The second day, we used Skim Kim made of cucumbers. It was done intentionally so that I would stay entertained and people would have a reason to come back. You can do business several ways. One way is to target markets, see what the market needs and package it in the most efficient way possible. Which is what I think Mobi Truck is doing.

When efficiency and profits are the primary goals though, you sacrifice quality and I think craft. Food is art. I strongly believe that. Its just edible art. If you want a definition of art, read Tolstoy, but I'm not getting into it here. The point is, we need to respect our craft. That doesn't mean table cloths, garnish, or a star system, but I do think it has something to do with integrity, originality, and honesty. Mobi Truck... if you think your product has those three things, I'll shut the fuck up. But, from where I'm sitting, I can't see it. I would love to be proven wrong though.......

Lastly, thanks to Stuartvision for the truck!!! He made me a toy truck with baohaus and xiao ye stuff from the blog all over it! The bottom is the Chairman Bao Truck run over haha.

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

I hate Sex in the City

I hate Sex and the City..... But, I can't escape it. Posters are all over my block. People are posting about it on facebook. I hate these hos. So, I dug up my old Entertainment Law Final. A lot of readers have been curious about how the hell a goon like me actually graduated law school. Well, here is a sample LOL. I submitted this paper called Sex in Her Shitty as my law school final and had to watch pretty much every episode to write it. True story. The Professor is also now my attorney so that's cool. I cut out most of the boring shit. Hopefully it is entertaining... At the least, it's just fun to see what you can get away with in law school. I can't wait to write something like this to chairman bao truck haha.

The Trademark Dilution Revision Act's Implications of Pornody

      Pipedream specializes in the design, manufacture, and sale of adult entertainment products including the “Super Star Series.” Recently, they released the "Sarah Jessica Pork-Her: Sex in Her Sh$@@y" doll ("Pipedream Doll") parodying HBO's Sex in the City and Sarah Jessica Parker's character, Carrie Bradshaw. The Pipedream Doll utilizes the same font as the HBO mark, a look-a-like model, similar photographic style, and the words "Sex" and "in." Other parodies in the series include Jessica Simpson's Daisy character from Dukes of Hazard,Tori Spelling’s Beverly Hills 90210 character, and Paris Hilton as her fabulous self.

      The Super Star Series not only parodies the character, but also the lifestyle and culture the character represents. Sarah Jessica Pork-Her comments on the Manhattan single woman and her cosmo-twirling sexually liberal lifestyle, which is made obvious by the box cover image of the look-a-like holding a cosmopolitan in a brightly sequined dress and high heels. But, the question must be asked, does this product violate HBO’s Sex in the City trademark? Because the issue of consumer confusion seems to strongly favor Pipedream due to the red light district type product and outrageous packaging, I will instead address the more competitive issue concerning trademark dilution.


      Does Pipedream's "Sarah Jessica Pork-Her: Sex in Her Sh$@@y" doll tarnish or blur HBO's Sex in the City trademark? 


      As Hormel Foods points out, "Tarnishment can occur through a variety of uses. Some cases have found that a mark is tarnished when its likeness is placed in the context of sexual activity, obscenity, or illegal activity."20 If a senior mark was associated with a junior mark that lives in a sexual setting, it would usually be a blow to defendant's claim against tarnish. But, this situation is unique because sex is a central theme to both the senior and junior marks. Sex in the City catalogs Carrie Bradshaw's numerous sexual escapades and there are many references to sex toys such as Season 1, Episode 9: "The Turtle and The Hare," Charlotte one of the main characters becomes addicted to a vibrator called "the rabbit."21 It is very difficult for HBO to claim tarnishment from the Pipedream Doll because Carrie, her co-horts, and the story line all indulge in like objects and raunchy sexual discourse. Taking these circumstances into account, Pipedream's parody of Sex in the City does not tarnish HBO's senior mark.

      Sex and the City has been critically acclaimed for exposing the New York Singles Scene and presenting sex from Carrie Bradshaw's raunchy female perspective that holds no punches. As Georgie Binks writes, "At first, I have to admit, the sex aspect intrigued me. It's not every day, after all, that you actually see naked people in compromising positions on a mainstream television show. It's rarer still to hear a woman swear as much as Samantha did during the course of a meal."22 When viewed in this light, Pipedream's product being sexual does not carry the circumstantial weight a sexual association usually would in tarnishment analysis. Carrie Bradshaw was the vehicle for exploring what its creator, Darren Star, saw as "real life," he said, "It's a lot about talking about sex, thinking about sex. Every third thought is a sexual thought, and I think that's what this show is about - what people are really thinking about is sex."23 The show, the characters, the creator, and the viewers embrace the show for its raw take on sex and Carrie Bradshaw has become a cultural symbol representing women having sex like men.24

      Judy Cox states:
            This is sex in a context where women are explicitly trying to turn the
      tables on men, 'to have sex just like men do', but by this they mean to have sex  
      without any emotional involvement, to have sex casually and then walk away.
      Thus it is seen as liberating to have an orgasm and then leave before the man you  
      are having sex with does. Thus it is seen as taboo breaking to discuss anal sex,
      but in the same conventional terms as women used to discuss losing their virginity
      in the 1950s and 1960s. Thus it is seen as a great breakthrough to 'reclaim' words
      which are the most offensive towards women and their bodies.25

Parodying Carrie through the creation of a blow up doll seems to function in the same sphere as the show itself and the reputation of HBO's mark is not harmed. HBO may attempt to make a Deere type claim that the lack of prestige in Pipedream's Doll tranishes the mark's ability to serve as a "wholesome identifier,"26 but it is clear that Sex in the City has never been a wholesome identifier. It's opening credits to each and every show clearly present its heroine making the "walk of shame" home.

      Shelton Hull states,
            Concepts such as restraint, decorum, reputation and (watch out!) feminine
      virtue are scarcely mentioned. The awkward exit that often caps an urban one
      night-stand is only alluded to in the show’s opening sequence, which shows
      Carrie hobbling on her heels, hailing a cab in last night’s finery. Because she’s
      an independent woman, with her own money and (we assume) goals, it does not
      matter what happens to her reputation in the most densely-populated place on  

      The symmetry of Sex in the City's character driven shenanigans and storylines blend seemlessly with Pipedream's Doll, which is what makes the parody so effective. There are several statements being made, one of which is commentary on what is and isn't appropriate while also identifying a social inconsistency. Carrie is a single New York woman with a seemingly insatiable sexual appetite. In HBO's episode guide, the synopsis for Season 3, Episode 36 appropriately titled "Are We Sluts?" says, "Carrie realizes that she's become used to skipping over romance and heading straight for sex, and that's why Aidan's slow and deliberate ways seems so strange. Finally though, when the moment is right, Aidan and Carrie consummate their lust."28 HBO presented Carrie and her lifestyle in a raw manner captivating the national viewing audience and compiled 50 Emmy Award nominations, 7 Emmy Award Wins, 24 Golden Globe nominations and 8 wins. Throughout its run, Carrie and her friends have walked a fine line between sexual liberation and unbridled sexual manipulation. Pipedream takes a side in the discourse and presents Carrie as a sordid blow up doll offering "three fabulous love holes" at $20 a doll. On screen, the girl is an award magnet, as rubber she's a $20 "f@ck buddy.”29

      There is judgment about Carrie's true nature, there is commentary on society's acceptance of Carrie, and there is Pipedream's exercise of First Amendment rights, which is a Tolstoy like comment itself on "what is art" and the boundaries of acceptable merchandising. By creating the raucous doll, Pipedream goes where HBO cannot, even though the product is in line with the content of its award winning show. The characters themselves ask whether they are "sluts" and Pipedream answers by literally "branding" Carrie and portraying her as a ready-to-love doll.


      This is the layer of parody that requires mimicry, but does not reach the level of association which blurs or tarnishes. Because Sex in the City is founded on exploring the sordid side of single life and sex, Pipedream's parody cannot tarnish what creators intended to be the ground floor or, better yet, basement in the pyramid of wholesomeness. If the show was Mother Teresa in the City, there'd be a problem with a Mother Teresa Blow Up Doll, but this is Carrie Bradshaw, this is Samantha Jones, this is Sex in the City: the birth mother of Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Brittney Spears and any other post-Sex in the City  Manolo wearing, unbridled, freudian, female Id screaming down Madison Avenue with a hundred thousand wants and needs.

      Viewers have seen these girls in the raw, in the bathroom, in nightvision, in Paris, etc., it's about time people saw them as dolls molded from Prada-like synthetics stamped with the sexual culture they created. There is no tarnish or blurring. If anything, it's a Hormel like polish on their work through parody where the brunt of a joke becomes more famous. HBO doesn’t lose any distinctiveness and its mark was never a wholesome identifier to begin with. They’d have a better claim against a company that tried to take the “bad girl” out of the image. The Pipedream Doll is the equivalent of a wax museum piece, this parody memorializes Carrie and the show, while also commenting on the negative social impact many perceive it to have.

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

BK v. the island

Whadda ya know... I was just at Prime Meats last night and we celebrated their review. Then I saw this post on eater . Really interesting and something my friends and I are always talking about. I used to live in BK on south oxford and atlantic right by Harlem Cake Man. Even though I was shit out of luck, broke as hell, it was the best time I had in NY. I lived there when we opened baohaus and all my homies are still out there. I really didn't want to move but I had to since closing Baohaus at around 3am and commuting back on friday/saturday was killing me.

Obviously, you have more choices in Manhattan, but there's more of a scene, it's more industry, and the expectations are weird. For instance, people feel entitled to your food, they have a customer is always right attitude... In Brooklyn, you fuck around at cake man and you will definitely get snuffed. The vibe is just a BK thing and why does manhattan care? You got your high-rises, your hotels, your 5-star chefs, let BK run that independent fuck the establishment culture and put up a few banners for it. Why you gotta win everything Manhattan? I just never understood people like that. So what if you think Prime Meats got an extra half star? Does someone else doing well really upset your universe? Prime Meats is dope. Give em fuckin 3 stars.

Look, I got restaurants in Manhattan. But if someone wants to set up shop in BK with taiwanese food, I'll support that shit. There is more than enough stinky tofu to go around. Just don't jack my names and copy my concept like Chairman Bao Truck. Be original. I think there is a tendency to pull for your neighborhood, brooklyn, the underdog so to speak, the more mom and pop places and I think that's fair. Its a lot harder for independent owners like myself and I do like it when someone comes out of the blue and sets up shop with something dope. Food is emotional so why wouldn't the reviews be? The story is part of the experience. To try and separate the food from the experience destroys the art of restaurants. Its the service industry. Its THEATRE. Why else would we have an open kitchen? Photos on the wall, music, etc. Anyone who thinks its JUST about the food is wrong. Even eating at night markets or trucks, you may think that there's no theatre to it or ambience, but there's EVEN MORE! Its just different. I hate the term high-end or low-end or even the star system. There are plenty of restaurants with no stars I'd rather eat at.

Now, on the other side, I do see how going to Brooklyn has become chic-chic and a corny gimmick. Just like last week where I didn't like the commodification of food trucks in SF, I don't like people in Manhattan going to Willy-B as a gimmick. That's the one part I do agree with the comment in the eater article:

"And yes, I believe MOST Manhattan restaurants are put together by a bunch of idiot consultants trying to capture the market. Pulino's, Breslin are but a few examples. They're for the Sex in the City crowd, not serious foodies."

YES! There are too many restaurants being put together by idiot consultants. Its become gimmicky to go BK. Brooklyn is a breeding ground that I think is best left for innovation and the new cats comin up. If you're established, you can do manhattan, leave brooklyn to brooklyn. Other people do brooklyn cause they HAVE TO. There's less barrier to entry and a lot more freedom to innovate in BK. I won't even say "standard" of service because service in BK is just different. Its not better, its not worse, its fuckin brooklyn. But yes, it does seem gimmicky when someone who's killed it in manhattan wants to go all Willy-B and set up a super restaurant. Yet, on the other hand, I even want to go set up shop back in ft. greene cause I loved the neighborhood. Its a tough call. I think I've made the mistake MANY times before assuming I know people's intentions. I don't want to do it again here because I see both sides. I can see where it seems gimmicky, but if you live in BK, you know. Mother fuckers just fallin love with that bitch.... Ask Andy Roddick.

P.S. To the hater above.... not that these people even need me to speak up for them, but.... Leave the Breslin alone! I can see why you would hate the scene at the Ace Hotel, but there's nothing wrong with the restaurant. The Breslin/Spotted Pig crew was at Prime Meats last night too. Great people and geniuses to boot. When I travel, the #1 restaurant that I see being ripped off is the Spotted Pig. Hands down. Everyone thinks they are original now opening gastropubs out in Cali or any other urban sprawl hell hole and April's the one that blew it up. Don't front on that group. Even her story about how she wanted to be a cop and became a cook is cool.

New Shit

BOOM..... saturday/sunday at hester st fair.

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Thanks for dinner Debragga!

man, in the blog preview, the menu looks real small but i think it will zoom in if you click on it.  Saw my boy, Jason Milanese, for the first time in a while. he still looks like he's been going GTL with pauly d so that's nice LOL. Dinner was at Prime Meats in BK. People on the roof next door were puttin it in da air all night so that added a nice aroma to the meal.

wooly pigs, dry aged sirloin, wagyu tartare was in the house. good times.

Kim Jong's ILL Noodles!!!!

So, I had made this cold noodle with kim chi dressing dish a few weeks back. It is henceforth known as Kim Jong's ILL Noodles (i intent to trademark). Please do not start your own Kim Jong's ILL Noodle Truck. I am gonna be sellin this with my boy Hyun. I picked this dish cause he's KO-rean and because its hot out hurr and there's nothing better on a hot day than cold noodles and baby bottoms cause those are cold too. If there is not a cold baby bottom in the vacinity to put on your neck or face to cool down, buy our noodles at Hester Street Fair. They will hold you over until you find said cold baby bottom.

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Everything But the Dog Meat Platter

This is the signature dish at Xiao Ye: Everything But the Dog Meat Platter LOL. So, in the next week or so, once we finish the menu names/design, I'll put it online. There's a normal menu and a "secret Chinese menu" with jokes and shit like Everything But the Dog Meat Platter.

At the restaurant it will be served with spareribs, ox tail, pork belly, and either short rib or beef ribs. I'm a big fan of beef ribs, but sometimes you can't get enough. The dish is red cooked with a twist. I did research on "umami" aka natural MSG and found that stewing tomatoes for a long time creates natural glutemates so I started red cooking with heirloom tomatoes in my red cooking recipe. I stew it all together in the same pot and the flavors come together real well. This is my new favorite recipe, hope yall like.

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Thanks Stuartvision!

 This is the coolest thing! Stuart Freeman, one of our neighbors and baohaus supporters came by and dropped this off for me out of the blue. Thanks Stuart! Means a lot. He even put the retro hey-song photo on the texture of the inside of the wallet and dumpling skins on the back. I think he makes custom wallets so if you want em, hit him up!

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010


I saw this through an urban daddy posting yesterday that says it comes from the people at Charlie Trotter and Pacific Catch. I have no problem with people trying to sell gua bao, but if you're going to enter the market, be ORIGINAL. These people straight took the name of my #1 item and set-up shop with it. I have used the mark in commerce and shown the intent to trademark it. If anyone knows a good IP attorney, let me find out! BUT, I would prefer not to sue and just have these people stop using my name. Really, can you just name it Not-So Express Panda or some shit?

If you google chairman bao, you see that the first hit is about baohaus. Obviously, if you are rolling out a food truck, you have googled your name and seen that this name is being used. Nothing has pissed me off about the restaurant industry more than this to date. Yelpers pale in comparison and you know I hate them. I worked my ass off, opened this place with $300 left in my pocket, I support my whole family with Baohaus and then this joker with deeper pockets opens this piece of shit that not only steals my name, my concept, half my menu, but also has the gall to shark bite Shepard Fairey's style. Its borderline offensive too that the idiot combined Japanese style nuclear/sun rays with a Chinese name and a Taiwanese food. I did broccoli rabe and chinese sausage months ago, now this dude is doin it.

If I ever am inspired by another restaurant/food, I ALWAYS put it on the blog just like when I went to Taiwan. I pay my respect and when I re-create I always have an original touch. For instance, I like Taiwanese Rice Balls, but mine will have the extra touch of being brushed and fried. Its not hard to do something original, it just takes integrity and a little extra work. Its really unfair to artists (which cooks are) that there are people who want to capitalize off someone else's work.

Look, everyone and their mothers knows, David Chang popularized the pork bun. NO FUCKING DOUBT. But, I'm Taiwanese. Our people have been making these things for 50 some odd years. No one in NY outside of Queens wrote or knew about it so I wanted to do something for the community and my family. I came up with an original idea. A Taiwanese street vendor style short menu featuring environmentally sustainable (all-natural meat) gua bao buoyed by an art, design, and music element. Taking the streetwear style I'd been working in to present Taiwanese street food alongside golden era hip hop. A simple yet original idea. To take my shit, pair it with another streetwear designer/artist, and sell the same shit is just bullshit. Especially if you're all Charlie Trotter already. The fuck you need this for? You already got your paper, FEED THE FUCKING STREETS SOMETHING ORIGINAL.

Additionally, there is this Josh Tang kid involved. http://www.linkedin.com/in/joshtang
The founder of Mobi Munch, Inc. that is involved with this venture. He is trying to commodify food trucks and spread them out with no concern for environment (they don't use all natural), no concern for artistic integrity, and obviously no concern for history because they are selling gua bao and explain it all wrong. He also was involved with wire image before and basically he's an ivory tower douche bag trying to capitalize and commodify the street food movement. Josh Tang, in the words of dave chappelle FUCK YO COUCH.

UPDATE: Even the SF Weekly asks if the Chairman Bao Truck is even worth fighting for... "But from an authenticity viewpoint, we don't think Baohaus, the New York eatery calling for a Chairman Bao boycott, has to worry about competition in anything other than name." http://blogs.sfweekly.com/foodie/2010/05/chairman_bao_not_bad_but_is_it.php

Yes, thank you, we da best.

UPDATE: Charlie Trotter not involved. Makes me feel better. My mom got all his books. Big fan of the hit record "aint gon hurt no foie gras" as well. But, this just means mobi truck has absolutely no credibility but I'm also curious how Trotter and Pacific Catch got implicated???? Urban Daddy???

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Condensed Milk Pancakes w/ Lychee Hot Syrup

Oh yeaaaaaaaaa. So, these are the Condensed Milk Pancakes w/ Lychee Hot Syrup we're serving at the restaurant. Topped with whipped cream and crushed peanuts with spicy lychee syrup we make in-house. My boy Lee came through and showed me a new technique for cooking pancakes that really set it off. Yall are gonna bug when you taste this!

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Foodies and Hypebeasts

A friend sent me this article about how its the best of times and worst of times for food in America. I'm sure lots of you have been thinking this already so give the article a read. Yet, after reading, I found myself defending foodies. It reminded me a lot of street wear and hypebeasts.

I have always been a sneaker head, but when I came to NY in '04 I saw people with kicks and independent clothing brands I never saw reppin' classic hip hop. For those from NY, just so you have a frame of reference. In Orlando or even Miami, it was really hard to get SBs, OG Jordans, Bapes (u know you wanted em in '04), independent screenprinters, etc. The MECCA of street wear in ho-lando was fucking Demo. And the clothing options we had didn't connect with us culturally at all. As consumers outside NY, you end up supporting companies/cultures/etc that have nothing to do with you. Now that I'm in NY, I take it for granted. Either way, long story short (as possible... ha), street wear went up and it went down. If street wear sustained itself, I never would have opened baohaus. Hip hop and basketball are my first loves, but I was sad to see what happened.

Street wear used to be a tight knit community of people who really FELT the culture. We had something to say, we had philosophies about how clothes represented us, and we brought smart hip hop and fashion to the forefront. But, then big business saw what we were all doing and wanted to co-opt it. Department stores started asking us to print large quantities of our Obama, Ali, 718, Sho Nuff tees, etc. Hoodman was comprised of Steve, Ning, and I. As a group, we decided, even though we needed the paper, we didn't want to sell out. We stayed with independent retailers like Digital Gravel (DEFINITELY the most honest retailer in the business! support them!), Union, etc. Unfortunately, a lot of people made a dash for the cash and went karmaloop. The whole game was fucked because when you try to expand and bring your culture to new markets, you inevitably compromise your work because now you need to please them for their dollar (like ethnic restaurants catering to non-native eaters). That's consumer power gone bad. Now you have aspects of street wear swallowed up into high fashion as well as low-end brands like H&M, Gap, etc. (like when fusion fine dining incorporates yuzu or red cooking) It seems normal now and some of the things we popularized have become staples. It sucks. We're just another footnote.

If we had kept our community tight-knit, us against them, and refused to compromise our look and culture, we would still own our businesses and retailers. But, everyone expanded too fast, depended on fickle customers who weren't down for the cause to sustain expansion, and now we're caught with our pants down. A lot of great retailers like Union are gone and the retailers that are still around have trouble filling the shelves because some brands that started off as street wear have become something else.

I bring this up because I think the foodielution is reaching an apex. Why? People fucking hate foodies. There are several camps. There are people who have loved food all their lives or grew up in home/neighborhood food culture. As one of these people, I get upset being classified as a "foodie". To me, foodies are johnny come lately post-food network types who just discovered it is good to eat good food. Then, there are those that didn't grow up in a strong food culture, yet, still love food but not in they foodie hype way. They respect food, they soak it in as they eat, but they aren't emailing 30 friends to set up shitty pot lucks or tours of flushing every week for exhibitionist purposes. Then there are the culinary school/fine dining types, snooties if you will lol. I think the key is not to differentiate or compare between groups but just be genuine. And if you still hate foodies, believe me, they are the last hope. Seriously, if we can continue this explosion of interest in food and genuinely sustain it by developing a true American Culinary Scene, well, that's something worth working toward and we can't do it without these foodies coming of age.

The gift and the curse of foodies is that they have buying power. On one hand, foodies wanting micro-brews has been a benefit to all of us because local bodegas and supermarkets have rotating micro-brews to stay competitive. Even Budweiser has stepped up its game. It is a VERY good thing that lots of people are interested in food. If I had a choice between having foodies that are undereducated and overconfident as opposed to living in a city where people don't care what they eat, I'll GLADLY take the foodies. But, then there is the very real problem of foodies being in a rush to be connoisseurs. After a year of reading blogs, the times dining, 100 yelp reviews and photos later, they crown themselves experts/judges/whatever. This is where the problem occurs, foodies get insecure. Instead of admitting what they don't know, they try to overcompensate by judging the unknown using what little they do know. I hear foodies all the time in Baohaus tell friends, "I have an asian friend that told me gua bao is supposed to be THIS way..." All of a sudden, any Uncle Chan you can grab off the street is your authority on Asian food. News flash people, it doesn't happen much, but sometimes...... Asian people are wrong. I know, I know, hard to believe, never true of math, but with food, yes, sometimes we're wrong. Don't take someone else's word for it, travel, eat, and come to your own conclusions. If you've only had gua bao once, admit it, and don't speak as an authority. It's not the end of the world.

Now, how is this a problem? Well, foodies establish false standards and maxims. They're writing the book as they go and the real problem is that they're in a rush to do it. Why? The internet! The internet, blogs, etc. its all about speed. Why is it that Eater, Grubstreet, etc. have such huge market share? Because they have the ability to post, edit, comment in a matter of seconds. The NY Times on the other hand is meditative, the authority, they marinate on a restaurant for 3 months before writing. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but one is more open and ripe for abuse... A lot of this new digital marketing is dependent on user responsibility and education. This is why I have a huge problem with Yelp. There are too many incentives for dishonesty and sensationalism.

You have elite status, elite parties, you get sent compliments for being funny, informative, etc. Chowhound, I like much more, even though it looks like a web 1.0 dump. Chowhound has people who just care about food, they post on a board, and conversation begins. There is much more anonymity, less incentive to show-off, lie, be sensational, etc. on top of it all, yelp deletes good reviews, leaves dishonest ones and they pressure restaurants to buy their ads. I get calls from them every week and they get really aggressive when you turn them down. I really hope someone exposes yelp because as a business owner, there is definitely something fishy. Now, how is this similar to how streetwear peaked and fell? I see a lot of phonies. People who don't care to REALLY understand food, but just want the image and pretension of being a foodie. They want to SEEM like experts even if they aren't. This means a lot of gimmicky restaurants that cater to foodies do well, the real places go under, and we're stuck with a half-assed upgrade like Budweiser Golden Wheat. Yes, it is better than the piss you were drinking before, but it still sucks balls.

I do feel the article that spurred this whole post was off though. I wouldn't pit foodies against culinary snooties. Every group is problematic in their own way. For instance, many people like myself who grew up eating Taiwanese or Chinese food a certain way can be dogmatic in what they consider good by over associating good with authentic. I've tried to break out of that and Xiao Ye is an attempt to stay true to the flavors I grew up with, but taking different roads and paths to that end flavor. Every "camp" is problematic in creating unreasonable standards. Do I really need to wear chef whites to cook good food? Do I need to grind my own five spice to make a good Lu Bao? No and No! I think the cool part about foodies is that there is finally interest in food. These are all silly markers that are false attempts at quantifying culinary knowledge. If you know, you know and there's no need to show off. There isn't one thing you HAVE to know. I also don't think you need to go to culinary school or read a certain textbook to know food. It just takes time and experience. You have 3 classes a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, if you are maximizing those opportunities to eat and experience food, you're fine. Until then though..... stop blogging your ratings or yelping LOL.

disclaimer: I blog, obviously. I don't rate restaurants. I do shit on extremely sucky ones in my opinion, but I also try to stay within flavors and regions where I have developed a certain level of understanding where I feel comfortable passing judgment on a restaurant such as (taiwanese, chinese, japanese, some korean, some vietnamese, and of course Southern American). if you also count, i have more ridiculous hip hop videos and shenanigans posted on this blog than food ratings. it is not a food rating blog or a recipe blog. its a day in my life blog, which happens to have a lot of food cause I cook. i'm not saying i hate foodies, i'm not saying you shouldn't blog, i'm just trying to lay out the "scene" as I see it as an eater and a business owner.

The Future of Food

I saw this movie a while ago and played it at the restaurant, but it wasn't all that crunk so we took it out LOL. BUT, I just found the whole movie on hulu.com . If you haven't seen it, definitely check it out. There are a lot of hidden costs to cheap food because of government subsidies and I was glad this film explored the issues. If you've seen Food, Inc. you'll be familiar with some of the issues, but this really goes more in depth concerning GM food.

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

Check us out at the CHOW: Time Inc Event!

Eddie will be featured on the Panel of Speakers and there wil be a food tasting afterwards!

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

A Full Day of Pork

I woke up and saw a lot of pork belly and sausage in my fridge, so what's a brother to do? I started off with Breakfast Salad: romaine, red sausage, taiwanese relish vinegarette (i give up spelling that shit and its my original recipe so i can spell it how i want), and a sunny side up egg. Fuck you pulino's breakfast pizza lol. naw, i'm playin, i like pulino's. lives up to hype in my book. not gonna get into whether its THE BEST, but who the fuck cares, its dope. ketih mcnally got the white bird game on lock. he needs to teach them how to walk in their big ass shoes, but they still look good hobbling around like pigeons. i fux wit you and ur bitches, pulino's.

Ahhhhh I love it. Salt Cured Pork Belly. Cured, cooked twice, sliced, and served with seasoning salt.

as it will be served at xiao ye

OH, and a giant bowl of Triple Lindy Rice. This rice is special. Triple cooked (sauteed, steamed, then rice cooker) with red sausage, cured pork belly, and flavas. Entirely different texture than other rices. It has the consistency of fried rice, WITHOUT the greasiness. You taste the flavors and get the ill texture you like. I should have been enjoying this with my roor but fucking evan broke it. BUMSHIT.

And lastly, a bonus. The most professional jump-off you will ever see on this blog, Matt Baer Bidness cards designed by Ning. This is BIG motherfucking Business haha.

Its Always Timbo Weather

Oh shit! The big homie Coltrane hit me with a pair of timbs. These joints got friday at santos written all over em

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Hainan Chicken and Mo!

Here is the Hainan Chicken we'll be serving at Xiao Ye. Its one of my favorite dishes all time, really tough to make too. The timing on the chicken has to be perfect and then there's the ice bath that's a pain in the ass! haha. The dish comes with chicken rice (rice made in chicken stock), minced ginger, green onion oil, and chili sauce we make ourselves.

This was the chicken in the ice bath. I used a free range bo bo chicken so it comes with feet and all.

Here is the Spicy Bang Bang Chicken Noodles. It is hand-pulled free range chicken, chili salsa, and noodles tossed in green onion infused oil. I love cold noodles, especially in summer. The chili salsa is made of pureed kim chi and a bunch of other little things. I think it utilizes kim chi in a way other people aren't right now and its pretty cool.

Usually, you get bang bang chicken and it has all sesame paste. I have my own mixture and its accented by peanut butter and chicken stock. The noodles also come with sliced cucumbers and hand pulled chicken.

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Highlights from Talk & Taste!

Talk & Taste was a lot of fun! Nice meeting some other people cookin' dope food too. The big guy in the kitchen makin a cameo is Zak from Fatty Crab/Cue. I went to Cue' recently, really dope bbq. I would stick to the bbq, but definitely the best bbq I've had in a LONG time. Worth the trip and wait. Met another member of the Huang Clan, Ching-He Huang. Really, really nice, she's doin her thing over in London so hope to make it out there sometime.

EFRE - Everyone's Favorite Round Eye aka Sarah Arden was also in the house assisting with the demo.

I was real happy that Remy sponsored the demo. So I made TJ a KTV Delight - green tea, remy, chinese sausage BONG lol

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Lucky Rice Night Market

Thanks Taiwan Toursism for being so gracious with the sign and writing baohaus off to the side in 8 point font LOL. What kind of Taiwanese manners are these? Its all good, tourism council was really nice. Next time, they should just show a brother some love for bringing free food, staff, and cooking everything. I mean, shit, I lost 5 lbs for this event, I went down to a b-cup, that's not what's poppin.

Please, please, no photos, I just bagged up a bird and I got powder on my shiiieeetttt.

Real nice venue under the archway, great weather, really one of the most fun food events I've ever been too. Danielle, Cindy, Barbara, and all the lucky rice people were organized, and we got everything we needed. If you are a restaurant, def work with them if you get a chance!

Uncle Jesse cookin' up a storm!

This was my favorite dish we did. I woke up early, chopped up the top layer of pork belly and then ground the bottom half. The top half of pork belly is AWESOME, great texture, snappy, and when braised, so soft. Then, the meatier part is good for sausage ground. This was for our Lu Roh Fan i.e. Taiwanese Pork Belly Gravy on Rice.

photo from metromix

Oh yea... taiwanese fried chicken

Oh whats good girl, can you get away? BRRRRR (bird call)

Cat gettin her shine on.

The fam was in attendance holdin' down BK. My bad I forgot to take photos of stinky tofu, if you got some put em up! My favorite part was definitely puttin out stinky tofu open air under the bridge. WHAT IT DO?

Lucky Rice Cocktail Party

This event was crunk. As crunk as crunk could be with the ill after-work-blazer-wearing crowd. They dropped "Paid in Full" and some other decent tracks so that was good and surprising. Unfortunately, they forgot to play a few appropriate joints like "My Drank and My Two-Step" and "The Humpty Dance" for the old heads. LOL. They love the humpty dance.

It was no Just Blaze @ Santos set, but come on, for a food fest, you aint gonna hear complaints from me! Plus, they had free bonchon! Bad news, mo fuckers were pushing old dudes and kicking geishas for a chicken wing cause approximately 30 wings came out every hour. But you know I threw them bows and got to the front so I could get busy! UGGGhhhhhhhhh

Our homies from WD-50 were there and had one of the best drinks of the night. As you will see though, I'm a sucker for coconut. I love coconut water and if I could trade my poland spring jugs for jugs of vitacoco I would. These guys had the Oishinho - sake, cachaca & coconut water. One of the more straight forward, simple, clean drinks of the night and I really liked that.

Evan got real excited finding the Daniel bar that had frozen 8-balls in martini glasses, but he wasn't sure if he needed to drink it in the bathroom or not. Ning loved this drink too.

This was B Flat - Kissui Vodka, sake, Plum Wine & Peach liqueur garnished with Yamamomo. This one was good even though the plum wine was a little sweet, again, more minimalist compared to the other drinks that tasted like herbal experiments. I'm not going to list any bad ones cause I'm sick of getting blog posts re-posted with headlines like "Baohaus Hates World Peace and Vitamins!" (cause honestly, i'm toe-up most of the time i write these things and its all a joke) But as a commentary on trends, I'm not into drinks that feel like you are tasting a confused spice racked with a liquor back. I know food nerds get orgasms reading descriptions of drinks with shit like cardamom, rhubarb, or chinese 5-spice, but its no fun when your drink resembles a recipe for chicken brine.

But back to your regularly scheduled programming.... By this time, we were double-fisting and 6 deep about 20 minutes into the event. Uncle Jesse looked a lil' hurt. As you can see, yours truly didn't get the memo and showed up in an oscar the grouch t-shirt. Ma bad yall!

Ning got twisted too and started making love to the En Japanese Brasserie - Warm Sake Strawberry Whipped Cream Dassai 50 w/ Strawberry Whipped Cream.

At this point, Uncle Jesse wandered off.... Do yo thang homie but I think shawty is taller than you LOL

I found mo dranks.

Cindy found us!

Spot Dessert Bar: Corn Cream (or, if you read the chingrish on the pamphlet "Corn Crema") with Tropical Fruit Salad & Condensed Milk Toast. This was AWESOME. I tried to go to Spot 3 weeks ago, but as I rolled up, the cops rolled on a guy and his girlfriend, pulled a 9 on the dude and shut down the block. Thanks guys....

I leave you with this, Happy Birthday Sparkz. It was my boy's birthday this week and an Elvis Short Person came through to the party. Best drink of the night at Lucky Rice Cocktail Party: Macao Trading Drunken Dragon's Milk: Green Tea Vodka, Coconut Puree, Thai Basil & Bitters. Was like a coconut milk tea with basil and drank.